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Rate Yield RMS is now available!

A new revenue management software connected to Reservit.

Reservit Canada is pleased to announce the addition of a new revenue management software to its available connectivity options: Rate Yield RMS.

Rate Yield RMS is designed to meet the needs of establishments of all sizes. It enables settings tailored to the market, making revenue management easy through artificial intelligence. It offers real-time insights, a flexible strategy, budget and forecasting modules, and a group submission evaluation module. It's a comprehensive tool for optimizing your profits.

How does it work?

  • Trend Analysis: Rate Yield focuses on real-time market trends 24/7.

  • Automated Pricing: Rate Yield automatically adjusts your rates on Reservit, ensuring competitive prices without manual effort.

  • Strategic Reporting: Benefit from detailed reports for informed decisions on pricing and promotions.

  • Real-Time Synchronization: The instant connection between Reservit and Rate Yield ensures always up-to-date rates and availability, maximizing your revenue.

How do I add this channel to Reservit?

Step 1 

Contact Rikki Cavanagh to discuss how to use this new partner:

Step 2 

Once you have signed your agreement with Rate Yield, send an e-mail request to our sales team to add this connectivity to your software: 

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